Bembidion (Emphanes)
- Bembidion articulatoides Jedlicka 1932
- Bembidion axillare (Motschulsky 1844)
- Bembidion axillare axillare Motschulsky 1844
- Bembidion axillare euxinum Apfelbeck 1904
- Bembidion axillare occiduum Marggi & Huber, C. 2001
- Bembidion azurescens DallaTorre 1877
- Bembidion azurescens azurescens DallaTorre 1877
- Bembidion azurescens kurangense (Morvan 1973)
- Bembidion bulgani Jedlicka 1968
- Bembidion diligens Casey 1918
- Bembidion eupages Andrewes 1934
- Bembidion gobiense Jedlicka 1964
- Bembidion iliense Iablokoff-Khnzorian 1970
- Bembidion inconspicuum Wollaston 1864
- Bembidion karounense Jedlicka 1959
- Bembidion lais Bedel 1900
- Bembidion latiplaga Chaudoir 1850
- Bembidion latiplaga latiplaga Chaudoir 1850
- Bembidion latiplaga flavibase (Antoine 1956)
- Bembidion latiplaga mateui (Antoine 1953)
- Bembidion minimum (Fabricius 1792)
- Bembidion motschulskyi Csiki 1928
- Bembidion netolitzkyanum Schatzmayr 1940
- Bembidion normannum Dejean 1831
- Bembidion normannum normannum Dejean 1831
- Bembidion normannum apfelbecki Müller-Motzfeld 1986
- Bembidion normannum mediterraneum Csiki 1928
- Bembidion quadriplagiatum (Motschulsky 1844)
- Bembidion tenellum Erichson 1837
- Bembidion tenellum tenellum Erichson 1837
- Bembidion tenellum buchariplaga Netolitzky 1943
- Bembidion tenellum pseudoplaga Netolitzky 1943
- Bembidion tenellum telemus Ragusa 1892
- Bembidion transversum Müller, G. 1918
- Bembidion vile (LeConte 1852)
- Bembidion zagrosense (Morvan 1972)
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Bembidion (Emphanes)
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- First online 09 December 2008
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Tree of Life Web Project. 2008. Bembidion (Emphanes) in The Tree of Life Web Project,
. Version 09 December 2008 (temporary).