Heteoteuthis nordopacifica

Figure. Oral view of the arm crown
of H. nordopacifica. Note the small size
of the webs (small arrows). Drawing
modified from Kubodera and Okutani (1911).
H. nordopacifica is based on a single specimen, a mature female, taken in a bottom trawl at 1000m off northeastern Honshu, Japan. This is a typical Heteroteuthis species.
H. nordopacifica differs from females of typical Heteroteuthis species (i.e., H. dispar, H. dagamensis and H. hawaiiensis) in just a few features:
- Presence of 2 series of suckers rather than 3-4 series of small suckers at the tips of arms IV. Arms I with 14-15 suckers; arms II with 18-20 suckers; arms III "similar to arms II in number of suckers;" arms IV with 18-20 suckers.
- Very low webs between arms I, I and II, II and III.
- Apparent absence of the tentacle organ (see "Characteristics" on Heteroteuthinae page).
- Possible differences in the shape of the large visceral photophore.
Confirmation of these characters on additional specimens in needed as characters 2 and 4 could be affected by muscular contraction and the tentacle organ could be overlooked as its absence was not stated. Character 1, however, is diagnostic for this species.
Kubodera, T. and T. Okutani. 2011. New additions of luminous bobtail squids to the Japanese cephalopod fauna (Sepiolida: Sepiolidae: Heteroteuthinae). Venus, 69 (3-4): 145-161.
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Heteoteuthis nordopacifica
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- First online 21 January 2014
- Content changed 21 January 2014
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Tree of Life Web Project. 2014. Heteoteuthis nordopacifica http://tolweb.org/Heteoteuthis_nordopacifica/149600/2014.01.21 in The Tree of Life Web Project, http://tolweb.org/
. Version 21 January 2014 (under construction).