Kaveinga (Kaveinga s. str.)
Ross T. Bell- Kaveinga abbreviata
- Kaveinga poggii
- Kaveinga waai
- Kaveinga fibulata
- Kaveinga pignoris
- Kaveinga kukum
- Kaveinga nudicornis
- Kaveinga ulteria
- Kaveinga parva
- Kaveinga cylindrica
- Kaveinga lupata
- Kaveinga okapa
- Kaveinga marifuanga
- Kaveinga occipitalis
- Kaveinga histrio
- Kaveinga strigiceps
Kaveinga s. str. is the largest subgenus of Kaveinga, with 16 species centering in New Guinea, but extending to the Philippines and Sulawesi to the west, to New Britain in the north, the Solomon Islands and Santa Cruz Islands to the east, and northeastern Australia to the south.
Kaveinga s. str. resembles Vakeinga in the structure of the pronotum. However, the female is without enlarged lateral pits on the abdominal sterna, and the lateral edge of the middle tibia appears serrulate in profile view (because of closely set setose punctures).
The pronotal marginal groove is complete, and the angular seta is present or absent. The lateral setae of the pronotum are absent in most species, but up to 5 may be in one species. The prosternum and propleuron are impunctate. The prosternum is without postcoxal setae, but precoxal setae may be present or absent.

Kaveinga (Kaveinga) marifuanga. (A) Dorsal aspect of the head and pronotum. (B) Middle tibia.
Modified from Bell and Bell (1979). Copyright © 1979 Ross T. Bell and Joyce R. Bell.
The antenna is without apical stylet. Article I is pollinose dorsally, and most species have pollinose spots or bands on some of the more distal articles. Minor setae are present on articles VI-X. The parafrontal bosses are either distinct or else they are joined to the median lobe. There are 1-3 temporal setae. The anterior femur is not toothed in either sex, and most species have dorsal and ventral strips on femora.
Bell, R. T. and J. R. Bell. 1979. Rhysodini of the World part II. Revisions of the smaller genera (Coleoptera: Carabidae or Rhysodidae). Quaestiones Entomologicae 15: 377-446.
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Ross T. Bell
University of Vermont, Burlington, Vermont, USA
Page copyright © 2000 Ross T. Bell
All Rights Reserved.
- First online 01 March 2000
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Bell, Ross T. 2000. Kaveinga (Kaveinga s. str.). Version 01 March 2000 (under construction). http://tolweb.org/Kaveinga_%28Kaveinga_s._str.%29/2250/2000.03.01 in The Tree of Life Web Project, http://tolweb.org/