
This tree diagram shows the relationships between several groups of organisms.
The root of the current tree connects the organisms featured in this tree to their containing group and the rest of the Tree of Life. The basal branching point in the tree represents the ancestor of the other groups in the tree. This ancestor diversified over time into several descendent subgroups, which are represented as internal nodes and terminal taxa to the right.

You can click on the root to travel down the Tree of Life all the way to the root of all Life, and you can click on the names of descendent subgroups to travel up the Tree of Life all the way to individual species.
For more information on ToL tree formatting, please see Interpreting the Tree or Classification. To learn more about phylogenetic trees, please visit our Phylogenetic Biology pages.
close boxReferences
Beard, K. C. 1998. A new genus of Tarsiidae Mammalia: Primates from the middle eocene of Shanxi Province, China, with notes on the historical biogeography of tarsiers. Bulletin of Carnegie Museum of Natural History 34:260-277.
Groves, C. P. 1998. Systematics of tarsiers and lorises. Primates 39:13–27.
MacKinnon, J. R., and K. S. MacKinnon,. 1980. The behaviour of wild spectral tarsiers. Int. J. Primatol.1:361–379.
Mein P. and L. Ginsburg. 1997. Les mammifères du gisement miocène inférieur de Li Mae Long, Thaïlande : systématique, biostratigraphie et paléoenvironnement. Geodiversitas 19(4):783–844.
Merker, S. NS C. P. Groves. 2006. Tarsius lariang: A new primate species from western central Sulawesi. International Journal of Primatology 27(2):465-485.
Musser, G. G., and M. Dagosto. 1987. The identity of Tarsius pumilus, a pygmy species endemic to the montane mossy forests of Central Sulawesi. Am. Mus.Novit.2867:1–53.
Niemitz, C., ed. 1984. Biology of Tarsiers. Gustav Fischer, Stuttgart, New York.
Niemitz, C., A. Nietsch, S. Warter, and Y. Rumpler. 1991. Tarsius dianae: a new primate species from Central Sulawesi (Indonesia). Folia Primatol. 56:105–116.
Purvis, A. 1995. A composite estimate of primate phylogeny. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London (Series B), 348:405-421.
Rasmussen, D.T., G.C. Conroy, and E.L. Simons. 1998. Tarsier-like locomotor specializations in the Oligocene primate Afrotarsius. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (USA) 95:14848-14850.
Rossie, J. B., X. J. Ni, and K. C. Beard. 2006. Cranial remains of an Eocene tarsier. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (USA) 103(12):4381-4385.
Wright, P. C.. E. L. Simons, and S. Gursky. 2003. Tarsiers. Past, Present, and Future. Rutgers University Press.
Shekelle, M., Leksono, S. M., Ichwan, L. L. S., and Masala, Y. (1997). The natural history of the tarsiers of North and Central Sulawesi. Sulawesi Primate Newsletter 4(2): 4–11.
Shekelle, M., Morales, J. C., and Melnick, D. (2001). Genetic and acoustic evolution among Eastern tarsiers of northern and central Sulawesi. Presented at the XVIIth Congress of the International Primatological Society, Adelaide, Australia,7–12January2001.
Information on the Internet
- ARKive: Dian's tarsier
- The Philippine Tarsier Foundation, Inc.
- Tarsiidae. University of Michigan Museum of Zoology Animal Diversity Web.
Title Illustrations

Scientific Name | Tarsius syrichta |
Location | Tarsier Sanctuary, Corella, Bohol, Philippines |
Specimen Condition | Live Specimen |
Source | Tarsier Sanctuary, Corella, Bohol |
Source Collection | Flickr |
Image Use |
![]() |
Copyright | © 2007 Kok Leng Yeo |
Scientific Name | Tarsius tarsier |
Location | captive, Grand Naemundung Mini Zoo, Tandurusa, Bitung, North Sulawesi |
Specimen Condition | Live Specimen |
Source | Image:Tarsius_tarsier_Tandurusa_zoo.JPG |
Source Collection | Wikimedia Commons |
Image Use |
![]() |
Copyright | © 2008 Sakurai Midori |
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Tarsii. Tarsius. Tarsiers.
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- Content changed 30 June 2007
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Tree of Life Web Project. 2007. Tarsii. Tarsius. Tarsiers. Version 30 June 2007 (temporary). http://tolweb.org/Tarsius/16294/2007.06.30 in The Tree of Life Web Project, http://tolweb.org/