- Arms
- Arm formula: II>IV>II>I
- Armature in four series: arms I-III with 2 medial series of hooks and 2 marginal series of suckers; arm IV with suckers only.
- Arm suckers with about 23 teeth and cusps; pointed teeth distally grading to very small cusps proximally.
- Suckers of medial series of arms IV largest.
- Tentacles
- Primary locking-apparatus with 4 thick ridges with 5 medial suckers and alternating knobs.
- Largest suckers of ventral-marginal series with 23 teeth and cusps; long pointed teeth on distal margin of inner ring grading to small teeth or cusps proximally.These suckers slightly smaller than largest arm suckers.
- Dorsal margin of tentacular stalk with series of alternating suckers and pads along most of stalk length; distal five suckers each with additional small, thick ridge.
- Ventral margin of tentacular stalk with single series of suckers along most of stalk length. Number of suckers slightly fewer than of those in dorsal series.
- Head
- Beaks
- Upper beak with long, strong, heavily pigmented rostrum; jaw angle obtuse; shoulder nearly straight with small swelling near jaw angle and at opposite end; dorsal crest curved with saddle of pigment.
- Lower beak with strong, pointed rostrum; jaw angle clearly obtuse; much of wing unpigmented; most of lateral wall and crest pigmented.
- Radula
- Radula with five series of teeth
- Radula with five series of teeth
Click on an image to view larger version & data in a new windowFigure. Side views of beaks of G. steenstrupi. Left - Upper beak, 68 mm GL. Right - Lower beak, 57 mm GL. Drawings from Kristensen (1981).
- Beaks
- Measurements and counts
Sex Male
Male Male Female
Gladius length
94 mm
68 mm 57 mm
65 mm
42 mm
Head length
22 15 16 19 10 Head width
18 14 13 16 11 Fin length
45 31 30 37 23 Fin width
55 42 39 46 36 Arm I, length
44 29 27 38 21 Arm II, length
50 33 32 45 25 Arm III, length 53 34 32 47 38 Arm IV, length 50 32 32 46 26 Club length
22 15 15 19 11 Funnel cart. length
13 10 09 10 08 Nuchal cart. length
12 08 08 07 07 1/2 Arm I count
35 32 32 34 29 1/2 Arm II count
34 30 34 37 32 1/2 Arm III count 35 32 37 39 27 1/2 Arm IV count
55 51 52 58 50 Club sucker count 220 212 200 217 199 Median stalk sucker count
159 133 100 89 102 Dorsal stalk sucker count
85 77 84 63 57 Ventral stalk sucker count
81 72 56 76 53

Figure. Transverse row of teeth from radula of G. steenstrupi, 57 mm ML. Drawing from Kristensen (1981).
The above description is taken from Kristensen (1981) and, except for the table of measurements, is based on the holotype.