- Arms
- Arms I ca. 85% of ML
- Arms III ca. 145% of ML
- Arms IV ca. 220% of ML
- Largest suckers not globular nor greatly enlarged.
- Large arm suckers with 16 narrow, pointed teeth on distal 2/3 of ring. Distal 10 teeth long, narrow, pointed; lateral teeth short, blunt. Click on an image to view larger version & data in a new window
Figure. Oral view of , sucker 2, arm III. of C. veranyi from off Bermuda, western North Atlantic. Photograph by R. Young. A more detailed look at the suckers can be seen here.
- Tentacular clubs
- Club length ca. 50% of ML
- Protective membranes
- Membranes in two distinctive sets of nearly equal length.
- Proximal set broad with x-xx trabeculae (xx-xx% of club length); trabeculae wide, undivided, adjacent and difficult to distinguish (i.e. appear fused in proximal half) from one another.
- Distal set narrow with 19-20 well-separated trabeculae
- Sucker stalks in two distinct parts; stalks of lateral sucker series about 2X longer than those of medial sucker series.
- Suckers with 7-9 pointed teeth over distal 2/3 of ring; central tooth enlarged. Click on an image to view larger version & data in a new window
Figure. Tentacular club sucker of C. veranyi from off Bermuda, western North Atlantic. Photograph by R. Young. A more detailed look at the suckers can be seen here.
- Head
- Head length ca. 55% of ML.
- Head length ca. 55% of ML.
- Funnel
- Funnel-locking apparatus with large, bulbus tragus, smaller tubercle-like antitragus.
- Fins
- Fin length ca. 40% of ML.
- Fin width ca. 40% of ML
- Photophores
- Eyeball: lateral series= stripe; intermediate series = 3 (2 posterior:large + small; 1 anterior); medial series = stripe.
- Viscera: Two photophores.
- Club-tip photophore small, without central "line" (discontinuity in structure) and with small papilla.
- Eleven photophores embedded in aboral surface of club.
- Pigmentation
- Club-tip photophore??
- Much club pigment in epithelial cells rather than chromatophore organs.
- Club sucker bases??Sucker stalks pigmented??? with pleats in short, well-defined region.
- Buccal membrane unpigmented???.
- Olfactory organ???
Chiroteuthis veranyi: Description continued
Richard E. Young and Clyde F. E. RoperAbout This Page
University of Hawaii, Honolulu, HI, USA
Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D. C., USA
Page copyright © 1999 and
Page: Tree of Life
Chiroteuthis veranyi: Description continued
Authored by
Richard E. Young and Clyde F. E. Roper.
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